
Jesus Christ promised his Bride the Church that he would not leave them as orphans. He promised to send the Holy Spirit down to them, so that his divine presence would be with the Church until the end of time. In doing so, he gave us his Body and Blood, his forgiveness, and his constant presence in his Word and his Sacraments.


To strengthen us in our pilgrimage on earth, our Lord gave his Church the seven holy sacraments. These sacraments fill us with divine grace, reconnect us with the divine life, and help us to fulfill God's plan for us by giving us renewed strength and purpose. Catholics are encouraged to receive the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation frequently.


The sacraments are a true encounter with Jesus Christ. We are invited to approach these sacred sacraments in our local parishes, our communities of fellow Catholics, Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation are the sacraments of initiation, Holy Matrimony and Holy Orders are the sacraments of service, and Anointing of the Sick and Reconciliation are the sacraments of healing for both the body and the soul.

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